A journey through uncertainty

I wanted to share some of the interesting, challenging, rewarding and positive things that I have been through. I wanted to share the things that have helped through the difficult times and above all the positives that can come from a situation that may not feel in any way positive at the time.

Above all this is about looking forward and making the best out of anything that life throws your way. Everyting happens for a reason and there is no 'bad experience' just an experience that happens and teaches us something new that we can learn to deal with.

Freida Fairy Maker

Introducing...Freida Fairy Maker!

Collage art, installations, craft, sensory and tactile art.

I have a passion for creating pieces out of found, recycled and reused objects. Many of the collaged pieces I have made have been through using old photographs, salvaged paper and objects. I am interested in making the paper come alive, adding textures and depth. I have used this technique in personal studies of self, life drawing and pictures for commissions.

As a young child (a while back now!) I used to make fairy gardens in my grandmas back garden, in case they should visit. Years later I embarked on making fairies out of fabric flowers, wire and beads. I began to make these as an experiment, but along the way it has become more developed and people began to ask me to make fairies for them. I have made fairies for a few weddings, one wedding we decorated a cake tree, others to decorate rooms.

I have made fairies for garden parties and also presented them in frames. A lot of time and detail goes in to each one; they are small and delicate, beautiful and precious and brighten any corner, room or garden. Each fairy is different and completely unique.