A journey through uncertainty

I wanted to share some of the interesting, challenging, rewarding and positive things that I have been through. I wanted to share the things that have helped through the difficult times and above all the positives that can come from a situation that may not feel in any way positive at the time.

Above all this is about looking forward and making the best out of anything that life throws your way. Everyting happens for a reason and there is no 'bad experience' just an experience that happens and teaches us something new that we can learn to deal with.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Normal sevice is to resume....

Well, what a month it has been... I have not been on my blog for some time. The holidays were of course lovely, although filled with relentless sleep broken nights, followed by early starts and full days of entertaining Izzy. She is definatly developing her imagination and can at times (for very short periods) play on her own, but not for long! By the time I got her to sleep with of course some late nights I struggled to find a creative avenue in my brain that could function to actually write. But I am getting back there...

There have also been some major changes to the smooth running of my life. Chaos is generally present but I have been thrust in to new and at times an uncomfortable situation. This I will explain over time, but just wanted to say 'Hi' and and have not forgotten what I am doing, just yet again as those of you who know me well, am probly doing a little bit too much! That is though the way I like it.

This summer I have been to Weddings and more Weddings, all filled with amazing people and feel very lucky to have been part of them all, To Chris and Gemma, Ed and Claire, Georgi and Will, mwha xx I have been making art work including many many faries (which i will post here soon) travelling, entertaining, visiting, eating, drinking, laughing and enjoying time with Izzy (even though at times I felt the summer would never end- minus the weather!)

More things to follow.................

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